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If you are exhausted, stressed and you do not want to go to work in the morning, my online 90-day program for women could create the shift that you need.

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If you feel empty inside, you do not have a clear sense of purpose, and you want to be more empowered and enthusiastic, contact me and we can have a complimentary 30-minute chat on the phone about real options for creating inner joy.

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You are not alone in your struggle

74% of employees are experiencing a personal energy crisis in a world of increasing demand and diminishing resources, people are working more hours, spending more time outside work tethered to digital devices, and taking less time to reflect, renew and prioritize. As a result, they’re increasingly exhausted, overwhelmed, and disengaged. It’s not a sustainable way of working for individuals or for organizations. – According to The Energy Audit™ taken by over 150,000 people worldwide at www.theenergyproject.com.

Srinivasan S. Pillay, a psychiatrist and an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School who studies burnout, recently surveyed a random sample of 72 senior leaders and found that nearly all of them reported at least some signs of burnout and that all of them noted at least one cause of burnout at work.

“Why You Hate Work” by Tony Schwartz and Christine Porath, NY Times May 30th 2014.

Around the world, the proportion of employees who feel engaged at work is just 13 percent across 142 countries. For most of us, in short, work is a depleting, dispiriting experience, and in some obvious ways, it’s getting worse.

The Energy Project, coupled with Harvard Business Review surveyed more than 12,000 white collar workers and found 4 core needs the (see box on the right).

I have personally helped hundreds of women around the world to address these four core needs. I have given thousands of sessions teaching my clients to re-connect with their own feminine energy source and regained their vitality and enthusiasm.

In the past 15 years, I have given more than 5,000 one-to-one private sessions around the world. I have worked with people in the USA including New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, Miami, and others. In Toronto, Canada and in Singapore, Manila in the Philippines, London, UK and in Germany and Spain. As well as Sydney, Australia, where I grew up.

Having healed my own Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) through the in-depth subtle body building techniques of the Clairvision School of meditation, I wrote my MA thesis on the topic of Understanding Chronic Fatigue and Subtle Bodies. This thesis was an expression of my own recovery, as well as interviews with over 50 people with CFS and burnout, and traveling around the world working in depth with over a hundred individuals with these problems, using meditation-based techniques to help them shift their health and lives.

After 6 years working in New York City helping clients connect with their highest potential, recover their enthusiasm and tap into the true force of their vitality, I moved to The San Francisco bay Area and developed this program for women. This program addresses the four core needs in a way that is systematic, practical and effective.

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The Energy Project, coupled with Harvard Business Review surveyed more than 12,000 white collar workers and found that:

“Employees are vastly more satisfied and productive, it turns out when four of their core needs are met:

  • physical, through opportunities to regularly renew and recharge at work;
  • emotional, by feeling valued and appreciated for their contributions;
  • mental, when they have the opportunity to focus in an absorbed way on their most important tasks and define when and where they get their work done; and
  • spiritual, by doing more of what they do best and enjoy most, and by feeling connected to a higher purpose at work.”

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There is still hope. You can have community, and share your concerns, receiving help to shift your life, your business, your energy to Start The Life and Business You Love.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] One option to receive this shift is to take my online program. Everyone that has taken my program so far has had amazing results in their life and their business. They often surprised even me. So you could possibly look back in one year time and be totally amazed at how much your life has changed for the better. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”Section” background_color=”#8560a8″ custom_padding=”10px|0px|10px|0px” transparent_background=”off” allow_player_pause=”off” inner_shadow=”off” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” make_fullwidth=”off” use_custom_width=”off” width_unit=”on” make_equal=”off” use_custom_gutter=”off” custom_css_main_element=”margin-bottom:.3em;”][et_pb_row admin_label=”Row” custom_padding=”|||20px” parallax_method_1=”off”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Program Name with Subtitle (Text)” background_layout=”dark” text_orientation=”center”]

The Creative Life Program for Women

“Get Rid of Business Fatigue & Find Fulfillment”

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This is a program for women who really want to live a life of joy.

  • I guide women from experiences of emptiness and lack so that they can learn how to cultivate repeatable states of inner peace.
  • I show women how to move out of depression and grief so that they can experience inner joy in their lives every day.
  • I give women the tools to overcome Chronic Fatigue and Burnout so that they can reclaim their energy and enthusiasm for life.
  • I show women how to create a business that is aligned with their spiritual quest and successful at the same time.
  • I give women the opportunity to connect with their wild sensual feminine power so that they can experience authentic confidence in their daily lives.
  • I offer women the pathway to unblock their creative inspiration so that they can live truly leading-edge and innovative lives.
  • I help women to get out of anxiety and into a grounded sense of themselves and their true power.

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Now I’ve made it my mission to share this method of finding your path to TRUE INNER FREEDOM. You might think that this is not for you. Reading over my story, I realize I was waiting for someone else to find a solution to my health problems. If you’re currently in that same situation I know how it feels.

Are You Waiting for the right answers to Rescue You?

I was that person. Angry at the world, wanting one of those doctors to give me the right answer. Wanting someone to sort out my business or my accounts for me. Waiting for a knight in shining armor to sweep me off my feet and make my life special.

It sucks to be in that place.

Still, hits me in the gut!

Do you want to feel more alive, more energized, more joyful, more easily able to access peace inside of yourself no matter what is happening in the world around you?

Do you want a business that is aligned with who you really are that nourishes you and supports both your feminine and masculine side?

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Let me show you (Text)” background_layout=”dark”]

Let Me Show You How To Have True Inner Freedom

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There are 6 Modules

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[et_pb_accordion_item title=”Module 1 – Focus and Stillness, Meditation and Creating a Healthy Rhythm for Success” icon_color=”#dd3333″ background_image=”https://samanthakeen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ornament-background.jpg” custom_css_main_element=”border-radius: 8px;”]

Learn a powerful meditation technique and all about creating a healthy rhythm for meditation and the rest of your daily activities in your life so that you stay on track for success.

This is the foundation for the program and something that you’ll work on throughout the 90 days so that you are supported to create strong positive habits at the end of our 12 weeks together.

You’ll learn how to make this work for you, and you’ll get the meditation training MP3 download called “Meditation Portal To Inner Worlds” so that any natural resistance you might experience will be thwarted with the support of the coaching and other tools.


[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Module 2 – Pleasure, Passion and Power, Every Woman’s Secret Force” icon_color=”#dd3333″ background_image=”https://samanthakeen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ornament-background.jpg” custom_css_main_element=”border-radius: 8px;”]

You’ll discover what really makes you tick, and why it might have felt like there was something missing in your life.

You’ll learn all about your desires and your feminine force, so that you do not have to live in a hardened, stressed out masculine shell anymore.

Tapping into your feminine force is fun, sexy, yummy and creates the ability to attract success so that you don’t have to try to fit into uncomfortable masculine ways of gaining power and authority.


[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Module 3 – Discover Your Authentic Empowerment Style” icon_color=”#dd3333″ background_image=”https://samanthakeen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ornament-background.jpg” custom_css_main_element=”border-radius: 8px;”]

Find your authentic empowerment style for leading your family, your business, and your life so that you do not have to be drained through constantly trying to be heard and stressing out about getting things done on your own.

Watch how easily you can have people fall in line behind you, not because you made them do it, but because they really want to help you.

Many women tell me that while they can be strong leaders in their job or workplace, they do not feel that they can do it in a way that is aligned with who they really are. This is contributing to a lot of illness and unhappiness for many of us. Finding your own blend of strengths and shining them in your life will be a huge relief.


[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Module 4 – Standing in Your Value and Dissolving Money Blocks” icon_color=”#dd3333″ background_image=”https://samanthakeen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ornament-background.jpg” custom_css_main_element=”border-radius: 8px;”]

This is the module that is often very fiery for a lot of women. We still earn less than men worldwide and many of us are aware that this has to change. We still undervalue ourselves as individuals and as a group. Challenging old beliefs that have kept us locked down is potentially very liberating.

It is time for us to stand up one by one and together and shine our true worth in the world.

You’ll learn about your intrinsic value, and understand why so many women are challenged to stand for their full value so that you can manifest the income and resources you need to live well.

Find your blocks to manifesting the income or the money that you need to live a full life and learn how to dissolve them so that you can move out of scarcity and into a sense of having enough.


[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Module 5 – Work With People You Love” icon_color=”#dd3333″ background_image=”https://samanthakeen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ornament-background.jpg” custom_css_main_element=”border-radius: 8px;”]

Focus your time and energy on creating work and home relationships that are nourishing and supportive for you so that you can be truly happy and experience joy every day. For many of us, relationships are core to our wellbeing.

So when they drain us, they are significantly draining and when we can shift that to a point where the people in our lives are giving us energy, we are significantly boosted.


[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=”Module 6 – Get into the Creative Flow and Make it Happen Now” icon_color=”#dd3333″ background_image=”https://samanthakeen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ornament-background.jpg” custom_css_main_element=”border-radius: 8px;”]

Use all of the tools you have been given so far to develop a schedule with clear goals and priorities that are crafted specifically for you where you are at right now in your life so that you do not end up chasing empty dreams because you are doing things that are not the best for you.

Many women tell me that they end up buying things, taking courses, engaging in business deals or strategies only to find out that it was not a fit after lots of wasted time and money. So this module is aimed at making sure you know what track you are on, and how best to move through your decisions and actions with that in mind so that you do not waste your time, money and other resources.

This module is the time when each person in the program becomes clear on what their next best steps are and how they can move forward with them. The momentum here is for women to support each other, and to receive support to move in a way they may not have ever done or not for a long time.



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2 Private Coaching Calls of 30 minutes each

You will have two private coaching calls on skype or phone with Samantha Keen of 30 minutes each. These calls are a great chance for you to dive deeper into your own process and receive expert guidance on what is holding you back and what needs to happen for you to move towards your becoming the best version of yourself.

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  • Bonus Module – Self Care, Self Love, Time To Shine. As soon as you sign up you will receive the bonus module so that you can get started in changing your life in a way that is nourishing and supportive for you. This module is tailored for professional women who know they need self-care and do not always know what is best for them to apply at any one time so that you are cultivating wellbeing in your life. The module addresses self-care from the perspective of the physical body, the life force, the emotional body and your spiritual self so that you can understand the best way to take care of your whole subtle bodies.
  • PDFs – all of the recorded modules will have a pdf outline of the main points shared.
  • Two private coaching calls 1-to-1 with Samantha – Each woman that signs up will receive two calls of 30 minutes to be used during the 90 days of the program. This is worth $750.00 on its own and invaluable in making sure you are on track to get the most out of the program.
  • Recordings – Modules and Coaching Calls are all recorded and available on easy to download or listen to MP3s.
  • Group FB Page for Life – You will be part of a Group FB page that is updated regularly by me and also a way to connect with the other women on the program now, as well as women who have been through it before.
  • Other resources – a list of resources to follow up on the material so that you can dive deeper if needed.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Your Chance (Text)” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

This could be your chance to shift your life, your business, your energy to Start The Life and Business You Love Right Now.

Everyone that has taken my program so far has had amazing results in their life and their business. They often surprised even me. So you could possibly look back in one year time and be totally amazed at how much your life has changed for the better.

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Remember, this is a program for women who really want to live a life of joy.
