Why Are CFS, Burnout and Subtle Bodies Important to The Future Of Humanity?

Part Two

By Samantha Keen

I am taking the time to write this three-part series spelling out the importance of the topic “Why Are CFS, Burnout and Subtle Bodies Important to The Future Of Humanity?” ahead of next week’s launch of my upcoming book Reclaiming Vitality: A Healing Journey Through Chronic Fatigue and Burnout:

The book launch opens with a YouTube livestream at 1pm PDT on Wednesday October 16th (Register Eventbrite) and finishes up with an in person launch party in at Berkeley Workstation 230pm on Sunday October 20th. (Register Eventbrite). All events are free of charge, and it would be great to see you there!

For that five days the book will be available on Kindle for free, and after October 20th it will go back to full price. I will let you know more details about that on the morning of October 16th, with a link to the Amazon page.

Meanwhile, just for a laugh, pop onto youtube if you want to see a cool little video of me in Mount Shasta talking about the launch. (My boyfriend calls it my first attempt at being a diva!)

In Part 1 of this series, I referred to portions of my upcoming book which point to the importance of grounding for many people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Long COVID and some kinds of extreme burnout. Grounding is key to the recovery process for many with illnesses in one or more of these categories, even if it is not the main cause. And grounding will also be increasingly important for all of us as we move towards future technologies including perhaps even moving off planet.

See the article Part 1 of this series for the definition that I am using of the terms ‘Subtle Bodies’ and ‘grounding’.

For this part of the blog series, I would like to lay more context by quoting some key excerpts from Chapter 7 ‘Technology and the Modern Age Contributing to the Fatigue Epidemic’ of my upcoming book, Reclaiming Vitality: A Healing Journey Through Chronic Fatigue and Burnout.’

“Samuel Sagan predicted that there will be a marked increase in CFS-related health disorders, including something that he termed Chronic Fatigue Psychosis:

The logical outcome of subtle body trends that are already solidly established. The 21st century will see a very dramatic increase in CFS-related health disorders. For some patients, Chronic Fatigue will become so bad that it will border on psychosis. Sufferers will lie in bed with vacant eyes, as if gone.

CFS, or CFP, Chronic Fatigue Psychosis, will take on the proportions of an epidemic. Large numbers of people will be put totally out of action, which could put significant stress on the resources of the community.

This is not unavoidable. There are ways to prevent this disaster. But a real solution cannot come from yet another brilliant discovery by pharmaceutical companies.

It is not a drug that can resolve this problem, but an action where the source of the problem really lies—in the balance of subtle bodies.”46

(46. Samuel Sagan MD, KT FuXi’s Mountain, Point Horizon Institute. 2011, written PDF for an online correspondence course, 293. Quote used with the kind permission of Samuel Sagan, 2008.)

The current environment that we are in creates conditions for increased chronic fatigue-type symptoms, including the chronic psychosis type of conditions that Sagan referred to above.

There is increasing astral stimulation from the growing intensity of our political, corporate, and online environments.

And the amount of time that people spend on technology including their cell phones, online conferences, and video games has gone up exponentially.

Fatigue Is Already at Epidemic Proportions Around the Globe

We have a world where many people are suffering from intense and long-standing fatigue, including CFS, Long COVID, and the increasing occurrence of debilitating cases of burnout.

From a standpoint of understanding subtle bodies, some of those people with burnout or ongoing unexplained fatigue are experiencing severe crashing in their vital energy. To say that someone is crashing does not disregard the presence of physical issues, but resolving the energetic component can make the physical issues far easier to address.

These illnesses probably have more than one root cause, but the symptom of intense and completely debilitating fatigue is something that they have in common. As I said at the beginning, CFS is a kind of umbrella term coined by the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 1990s for a group of symptoms that at the time had no known cause.

In my experience the crossover between CFS, burnout, and even Long COVID is that people in all of those categories can be suffering from a profound crash or collapse in their subtle bodies. Not everyone who has CFS, burnout, or Long COVID has had such a crash, but those who are in this category may be missing out on looking at their subtle bodies and vital life force energy for a real cure or transition back to full health.

This is such an important part of the puzzle because the number of people crashing or collapsing is fast increasing, affecting their ability to contribute to their families, their communities, and even their jobs in any meaningful way.” – Excerpt from my upcoming book, Reclaiming Vitality: A Healing Journey Through Chronic Fatigue and Burnout.

Thanks so much to everyone supporting this project, it is so exciting to be so close to the launch.

Again, inviting you all to partake in the celebrations around the launch where I will talk in more detail about this topic:

* YouTube livestream at 1pm PDT on Wednesday October 16th


* In person launch party in at Berkeley Workstation 230pm on Sunday October 20th.


All events are free of charge, and it would be great to see you there!