Why Are CFS, Burnout and Subtle Bodies Important to The Future Of Humanity?

Ahead of the October 15th Launch Date for the Book

By Samantha Keen

It is important because now debilitating fatigue including CFS/ME, Long COVID and chronic situations of burnout have reached epidemic proportions around the world. From the introduction of my upcoming book, Reclaiming Vitality: A Healing Journey Through Chronic Fatigue and Burnout. P19

There is a good proportion of people with a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue, Burnout or Long COVID that are very unwell because of a crash or a collapse in the subtle energy of their body, according to the book that I am about to release, Reclaiming Vitality: A Healing Journey Through Chronic Fatigue and Burnout. (Book Launch October 15th 2024) Yay!!!

More and more people in the world today with debilitating fatigue are experiencing what I am calling a crash or a collapse of subtle energy bodies, or the ‘subtle bodies’ without knowing what is going on. This crash or collapse of the subtle bodies can result in extremely draining symptoms, and go on for many years in some cases.

The thing that pushed me to keep coming back to writing this book after multiple failures, and having moved on and let go of it several times was that I knew that it was critical at this time in the development of the human race, and even more so in the future. Not just for those with these diagnoses, but for many more than that. Let me try and spell it out a little bit here and in the newsletters in the coming weeks.

First, I can hear you asking a lot of questions….

What is a crash? What is a collapse in the subtle bodies? What are subtle bodies?

A crash or a collapse is where the whole subtle energy system of a person with CFS, burnout or Long COVID has imploded or fallen in on itself often making the person sick with headaches, belly aches, digestive disorders, brain fog and unexplained fatigue. Importantly there must be no other known medical cause for these symptoms.

Often people with this category of crash or collapse have been to many doctors and alternative therapists and have not got another major diagnosis other than the conditions that I am describing here.

They are often mildly or even extremely frustrated at the lack of real knowledge about the underlying cause and therefore the outlook for their recovery. Therefore, I wrote this book mostly for these people, so that they know that they can find a way to get better. To share that it is possible to fully recover and that there may be some amazing discoveries along the way.

In the book I have largely used the term ‘subtle bodies’ as it has been defined by Samuel Sagan M.D.

Sagan says, subtle bodies are:

“The non-physical layers which, together with the physical body, constitute a human being. Subtle bodies form the non-physical hardware of consciousness.” (Free Online Book: A Language To Map Consciousness )

Take a moment and think about that last statement, “Subtle bodies form the non-physical hardware of consciousness.” This is what my book upcoming book, Reclaiming Vitality: A Healing Journey Through Chronic Fatigue and Burnout, is really all about. It is a big concept but I have attempted to unpack it in a way that everyone can understand in the book, using stories and case studies, hopefully in a way that is uplifting for you all.

Put simply though, consciousness has a lot to do with the way our energetic or subtle body vehicles are wired. So that when something is going wrong at that level, it can be very detrimental to our consciousness but also our physical health.

Ok so what does that mean? It all sounds so technical, I can hear you saying?

I can almost hear my boyfriend rolling his eyes because there is just too much technical language about consciousness here. Ok, Ok I get it. Hard to understand.

Perhaps it helps to simplify this by sharing with you that this book came about after I was sick with Chronic Fatigue and then (much) later with a short bout of Long COVID, and I also did 20 years of research seeing private clients and interviewing people with CFS and burnout, and later Long COVID.

It was so clear to me that so many of these people were having a collapse in their subtle energy systems, and yet they have been going out and spending a lot of time and money on expensive medical solutions that were not fixing their underlying problem.

What also became clear was that people who don’t have those illnesses can have much milder versions of the collapse or crash. Yep it can impact a lot of people at one time or another in their lives.

“Zoom fatigue”, a new term coined in 2020 where people can have headaches and fatigue as a result of spending a lot of time on video calls, is an example of mild case of collapse or crash in the subtle bodies in some cases. (More about this in future newsletters, I promise)

The increasing pace of change in technology, the degradation of the environment, pollution, and the fact of living in a time of massive globalization or even in the near future moving off planet, all contribute to the possibility of this crashing or collapsing becoming more and more prevalent.

I am trying to say this is really important, even critical stuff for us to know. Yet we require a whole education on consciousness and subtle bodies to really understand and combat the underlying problem.

So you see why I wrote the book? I hope so.

What Makes People Crash?

There is a lot to this question, and in fact I wrote a whole book about it.

But one of the most important factors that is most easy to explain up front, and to address for everyone, is the lack of grounding in our subtle energy or state of consciousness today compared to the past. In general we are so much more outside of our body consciousness than ever before, with so many distractions, movements, pulls, and even the gunk of increasing levels of pollution and environmental change.

Lack of grounding is one reason people crash, albeit not the only reason. But it is almost always a key for the people that I see with this issue in their recovery. In my experience working on grounding does really help almost everyone to at least reduce a lot of their symptoms pretty quickly.

Side Bar – People Living In Space And Subtle Bodies

Did you know that on September 11th 2024 we set a new record of 19 people living in space?

I only realized this when Sunita “Suni” Williams and Barry “Butch” Wilmor recently became stuck in space.

It was a blow for Boeing, and for the two astronauts because they are now scheduled to miss not only the Summer but Christmas and hopefully return in February 2025.

Have you ever thought about what happens to people’s consciousness in space? And if you know about subtle bodies or energy, have you stopped to ponder what happens to those parts of the human being when off planet for any long periods of time?

This is a big question, and makes me want to be a fly on the wall up there in the International Space Station (ISS)* and the Tiangong Space Station. Mind blowing, isn’t it? To think that the ISS is located approximately 248 miles (400 kilometers) above Earth and orbits the planet at a speed of about 17,500 mph (28,000 km/h), completing an orbit approximately every 90 minutes.

By the way, ISS is a global partnership, having been continuously occupied since November 2000 and operated by an international partnership of five space agencies from 15 countries, including NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), ESA (European Space Agency), JAXA (Japan), and CSA (Canada).


Back to Subtle Bodies (In Space)

How do you feel when you fly on an airplane? Are you more or less grounded in your body? Does it impact your energy levels?

Well it is hard to really measure that objectively because the whole thing of being on a small tin can with a lot of other people packed tightly is probably way louder to our consciousness than just being off the ground for a long time.

But here is a clue, here on Earth we are more grounded on this planet than we really have any idea about. Until we leave the Earth, and I know a select few have left the Earth already, but until many of us leave, we really do not know how much we rest our consciousness on this beautiful planet called home.

It colors our consciousness so much, and is so part of everything we do, think, feel that we cannot have objectivity about it until we leave.

Leaving the planet we love and know so well will show us how much we need to be grounded in ourselves, and is perhaps an opportunity to learn to be consciously grounded in our own energy instead of on the Earth itself.

Grounded Versus ‘Ungrounded’

The reason that I am talking about leaving the planet is because it is something that has recently become a real possibility for at least some of humanity in the future. And if or when we do leave we will experience what it is like to be ‘ungrounded’ in a whole new way.

Being grounded is something that happens when people are very much anchored in themselves. They are able to stay centered and calm in spite of whatever ruckus is going on around them. When I say that someone as grounded, what I mean is that person has a clear and probably dense connection to their body. They are aware of their body and they can do without appearing to go up into their heads.

Most people that I see in my office have some version of being ‘ungrounded’. People are caught up in their heads, or even above that, off in the clouds, often as a result of being on the phone or other devices, and distracting themselves from what they are feeling in the current moment, in the body. We have so many distractions that pull us away from ourselves and our center on a daily and even minute-by-minute basis.

Being grounded is being utterly present in the current moment and anchored in the body, especially the lower centers of the belly or the legs.

This is important because many people who are crashing with CFS, burnout or Long COVID are actually suffering a serious case of being ‘ungrounded’. Maybe they had to stuff down a lot of feelings or emotions at one point, or perhaps they have something very difficult going on their subtle energy and cannot stay present to it. Or perhaps they are in fact a very intense kind of person who does not know what to do with that intensity. There are many reasons why a person can be not grounded.

Being ungrounded may not be the root cause of these illnesses but getting grounded definitely helps many people with these conditions on their path to recovery.

Emotions and Energy

When we have big emotions or a lot of intense thoughts we can very quickly get ungrounded, whether or not we end up expressing them or we push them down and suppress. The energy of the emotions and thoughts acts like waves in our consciousness and our subtle energy, interfacing with our experience of being alive and in a body.
It is very human to get disconnected with the current moment and experience of our own body right now because we are caught up in those big waves of emotions and thoughts. Distractions outside of us often pull on those waves, like the devices that ping us and trigger response inside of us.
I am not saying that CFS, burnout or Long COVID are the result of emotions at all. But the intense energy behind emotions and thoughts at times can contribute to the dumping or crashing or collapsing of the subtle bodies and leave someone with one of these conditions wiped out for days or weeks or months, or worst case scenario years.
Ok there is so much to say, but I want to leave that for the next post. This one is getting too long here. Phew.
So much to say….. Oh yes the book is coming out October 16th 2024, keep your eyes peeled to grab your copy then!